Farmers Club Programe
NABARD financially assisted our organization to enhance the capacity of farmers in Udham Singh Nagar. ISD organises expert meets with farmers and deliver knowledge about soil testing, crop management, requirement of insecticide/pesticides, micronutrients and how to transfer the latest technology in their farming and get more income in less investment. We also tried to build-up the capacity of farmers regarding leadership, management, coordination skills etc. Free animal health check up camps organised in the villages. Base level orientation programme and expert meet organised in the above 37 villages twice yearly at the time of Rabi and Kharif season.
Upcoming Events
30 th Jan 2019
Even today, there is lack of equality and bondage in the country. There is a lot of
30 th Jan 2019
Even today, there is lack of equality and bondage in the country. There is a lot of
30 th Jan 2019
Even today, there is lack of equality and bondage in the country. There is a lot of